• It was a beautiful Choteau evening in October and we drove to Freezout Lake in time for me to set up my easel and do a quick study of the evolving sunset. I completed a 12” x 9" study in a record 45 minutes and it was well worth any discomfort from the biting mosquitoes and chilly wind. This painting of the Front Range landscape was done in the studio from my study and photos. Original pastel Image size: 12" x 24"
  • It was a beautiful Choteau evening in October and we drove to Freezout Lake in time for me to set up my easel and do a quick study of the evolving sunset. I sprayed myself with insect repellant but it only lasted so long before the blood-thirsty suckers were back on me. My husband walked in circles around me, puffing a cigar and the smoke helped to shield me from the mosquitos. The sunset was extraordinary with the warm light gilding the grasses in the foreground. I completed a 12” x 9" study in a record 45 minutes and it was well worth any discomfort. This larger painting was done in the studio from my study.

    Original pastel
    Image size: 16” x 12”

  • It was an early morning in Glacier National Park. My plein air group was on the hunt for a suitable painting spot. We walked the trails around Sun Point and as we were walking back to the car, I turned around and shot this photo of the light coming over the mountain and starting to illuminate the trail. It stuck with me for a couple of years before I hunted down the photo and painted this scene.

    Original pastel
    Image size: 13.25” x 8.125”

  • Flathead Valley is endlessly inspiring with its rural landscapes and big skies. This poetic scene is just north of Flathead Lake in farmland called Lower Valley which is south of Kalispell. Original pastel, framed Image size: 12" x 16"


  • Swan River is one of four major rivers to flow into the north side of Flathead Lake. Swan River meanders from Swan Lake through a mountain valley and farmland where it eventually feeds into Bigfork Bay. Fishing on this peaceful river gives one the opportunity for meditation and reflection. Original pastel, framed Image size: 8" x 10" Framed size: 14.5" x 16.5"
  • Farmland is still abundant in the Flathead Valley and haying season is so picturesque. The mountains in the background lead to Glacier National Park. Original pastel Image size: 16” x 12" Framed size: 23" x 19"
  • The Swan River flows into Bigfork Bay which is in the northeast corner of Flathead Lake. Before it hits the rapids called "The Wild Mile," it is mostly a tranquil river flowing lazily through farmland in the summer time. Winter is another story completely. I was inspired to paint the colorful reflections in this section of the Swan River from the deck of "The Nest," a local event venue. It was a fairly warm spring day and we plein air painters took advantage of it.

    Original pastel
    Image size: 9" x 12"

  • Who doesn't love the red berries of the pomegranate? Not only are they delicious, they add a red sparkle to any dish or salad. These beauties were fun to paint with their little "crowns" for hats. Original pastel Image size: 12” x 16" Framed size: 19" x 23" Beautifully framed in a rich gold leaf on wood Please contact me if you're interested. Available framed for $895.00 or unframed for $700.00. Shipping charges may apply. Sales tax is not applicable.
  • The dark background provides a rich tapestry to nest this trio of apples. The name "Appellation" is a humorous nod to an otherwise classical arrangement and presentation. Original pastel Image size: 11” x 14" Framed size: 18" x 21" Beautifully framed in dark wood frame with gold accent. Please contact me if you're interested. Available framed for $695.00 or unframed for $550.00. Shipping charges may apply. Sales tax is not applicable.
  • Looking up into Big Arm on the west shore of Flathead Lake reveals a layering of mountains going far into the background. The sunset over this beautiful view is often stunning! Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 12" x 16" Framed size: 16.25" x 20.25" This painting is showing at FoR Fine Art Gallery in Bigfork, Montana. Please contact the gallery (406-420-2453) to purchase or let me know if I can be of help or provide more information.
  • One is truly fortunate to be able to enjoy a beautiful sunset standing on the Montaño de Oro cliffs. Original pastel Image size: 12” x 16" This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
  • Aspens are happy trees with their fluttering heart-shaped leaved. My heart is warmed while standing in an aspen grove with the leaves dancing all around, catching the light like green prisms. The twigs and branches entertwine to create abstract patterns against the backdrop. Original pastel Image size: 8” x 10"
  • Golden aspens shimmer in the breeze and are a vibrant response to the cooler nights of autumn. Framed in a gallery-quality dark brown wood frame and anti-reflective glass. Original pastel painting Image size: 16” x 12" Framed size: 23" x 19" This painting is showing at FoR Fine Art Gallery in Bigfork, Montana. If you're interested, please contact the Gallery (406-420-2453) for details or I'm happy to assist.
  • Although I often paint en plein air in Glacier National Park, this was one rare day in October when the temperature was warm and the conditions set up for a beautiful scene. Although the wind turned my shade umbrella inside out, I managed to paint this stunning fall scene without the wind also taking my easel! Original pastel, framed Image size: 9" x 12" Framed size: 13.5" x 16.5" This painting is showing at FoR Fine Art Gallery in Bigfork, Montana. Price includes shipping. If the painting is purchased here on my site, FoR Fine Art will pack and ship it to you. There are no additional costs and no sales tax.  
  • This clay vase was a souvenir from Switzerland and is perfect for lemonade. The yellow of the lemons worked well with the blue in the vase. I added the cloth to add more blue and for the directional lines leading the viewer into the painting. Framed in a gallery-quality gold leaf frame and anti-reflective glass. Original pastel Image size: 12” x 16" Framed size: 19" x 23" This painting is showing at FoR Fine Art Gallery in Bigfork, Montana. If you're interested, please contact the Gallery (406-420-2453) for details or I'm happy to assist.
  • My last plein air painting in the Gardens for this season. On this day, the Plein Air Painters of the Flathead group met here for their weekly paint out. I had volunteered to be site captain so I knew I could only paint for a short period. I walked under the crabapple tree and loved how the sun was throwing dappled light. The red jeweled fruit against the green leaves was stunning and I added the dark blue in the background since I didn’t want anything to compete with the elements at hand. As with all the paintings, I added some refinements in the studio. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 10" x 6" This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
  • I again liked that the dark foliage offered a foundation for the foreground to come forward. The flowers ranged in the cooler color range and the pink added a pop of color. The bright green was the warm tone to complement the flower colors. The leggy plant added a capricious touch. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 6" x 8" This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
  • Walking these paths many times during my over a dozen visits, this was one of the main tributaries in the front gardens. Another bounty of color was blooming underneath the trees at this intersection. I felt inspired by the play of light and shadow in this scene. Light was spilling through tall trees on the right contrasting warmly with the cast shadows. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 9" x 12" This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
  • I was feeling a little more comfortable with painting the tulips and decided to try a wider view. The meandering path takes one through more tulip beds and under an ornamental plum in full regalia of bright pink blossoms. The dappled light was caused by trees off to the left side of the painting that are not seen. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 9" x 12" This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
  • This scene is at the far east end of the gardens overlooking Flathead Valley. The Swan Mountain Range is in the distance and the foreground is populated with tulip bulbs. The sun was high in the sky so the light was bright without many shadows. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 8" x 6" This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
  • The early morning sun was streaming in and creating interesting patterns of shadow and light. I loved how the warm glow of the background highlighted the shadow in the foreground. The path leading to stairs invites the viewer to come down and discover more of the Gardens. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 9" x 12" This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
  • An Asian flair to this beautiful gazebo that can hold 15 people comfortably on benches encircling the sides. This painting makes me chuckle. I literally tried three times to draw the gazebo but I couldn’t get the perspective right. I always take photos of the exact scene I’m painting so that I can reference the photo in the studio and make corrections. After the third attempt, I realized my time and stamina were limited and I had to move on. I turned my attention to the garden bed at the right and it was one of the most challenging I had painted because of the number of varieties. I painted simplified representations of each variety to give a flavor of the abundance and the color planning that goes into these floral works of art. I left the background in basic shapes as well as the lawn to provide a place for the eye to rest. Back in the studio, I referenced my photo and saw where I was making the mistakes in perspective. I redrew the gazebo and since this was a fairly small piece, I used pastel pencils which also helped make the rendering more accurate. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 9" x 12" This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
  • I set up my easel to this  east view with the Swan Mountain Range beyond. I was looking for that long view with the grass path pulling the viewer in. The sun was fairly harsh at this time of the day but there were some shadows from the overhanging branches which added some interesting shapes. While I was painting this scene, I met a very nice couple. He was a photographer and loving the brilliant subject matter. He and his wife asked if I would like some photos taken of me at my easel and they would send them to me. How kind of them! I received the images by email as promised and promptly shared them on social media. Those are some of the wonderful connections one makes with art lovers. Art is the bridge to community and camaraderie. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 9" x 12" This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
  • This morning I thought I’d take a big challenge. I brought a panel that was 10” x 16”—quite a bit bigger than I usually paint when on location. I liked this landscape format and focused on one of the main paths in the Gardens which pass the stables on the right. You can just see the wood slats of the barn’s siding. My intention with this composition was to pull the viewers eye through the sunlit path to the open area at the end with another bed flowers. This path of the garden is mostly in shadow so it was planted accordingly with impatiens and begonias among others. Being such a large panel, I worked on this for a solid three hours before I finally had to quit because my brain couldn’t make another decision. I wasn’t finished though so the next time I came to Bibler, I set up in the same spot and spent another hour finishing the painting and refining some of my previous work. Then I was ready for my next subject. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 10" x 16" This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
  • The tulips in the Bibler Gardens are a kaleidoscope of riotous color. Tulips everywhere. Lots of them. I can’t imagine how many bulbs must have been planted to produce such a gorgeous display. I later learned from one of the gardeners that they had planted 30,000 bulbs. And yet, I still can’t fathom it... The contrast between the softness of the blossoms and foliage against the hard edges of the rocks created an interesting dynamic. The sun was bouncing off the rocks and the brick pathway behind illuminating the foliage with warmth. The bright color notes of the tulips pop off the background in a playful way. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 9" x 12" This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
  • This small painting was done in my studio from a photo taken the previous week. The tulips were fading and the season was almost over. I wanted to capture the translucence of the tulip’s petals and approach it from a more unusual angle. It’s easy to take a photo from low down with the lens angled upwards to the blossoms—not quite so easy to paint from such a low perspective. Having observed the tulips for so many hours over the previous couple of weeks, I felt like I was well versed to paint this portrait of the three blossoms. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 9" x 6" This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
  • It was a beautiful summer morning and the gardens were extensive. I’d often heard of Bibler Gardens but this was my first visit. It did not disappoint. The many beds were intensively planted and the range of varieties was mind-boggling. After running around snapping photos of a dizzying array of options, I settled on this view. I liked the big flox blossoms against the dark foliage behind. The sun was rising on the right and adding a warm glow to everything. I set up my easel quickly to capture the golden sunlight before the light changed, working on a 9” x 12” board. I eliminated some trees and foliage to simplify the scene and allow for interesting shapes in the sky around the tree tops. The trees and bushes offered the perfect backdrop to highlight the blossoms. The pink tones compliment the warm greens and dark turquoises. The arched pink flowers add movement to the composition. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 9" x 12" This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
  • This imposing structure speaks eloquently about a past way of life. The land on which Blaisdell Barn sits in Somers, Montana, has reverted back to a wild fowl protected area and is only accessible when the birds are not breeding or raising their young. I was lucky to drive by on a warm late summer day. I stopped and enjoyed a wonderful afternoon standing in the tall grasses with only the birds chirping and the soft breeze as my companions. Original pastel
 painting Image size: 9" x 12" Please contact me if you're interested. Available framed for $595.00 or unframed for $450.00. Shipping charges may apply. Sales tax is not applicable.
  • Pack of notecards. Six different paintings included in the pack along with six white envelopes.

    All notecards are the same size: 7" x 5" High quality paper printed in full color, blank interior.

    Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.

  • The vibrant colors of light and shadow on the water are represented here. The sunlight shines through and highlights the green of the river bottom and the sky reflects deep blue on the surface of the water in the shadow area. The duality in the nature of water provides endless inspiration. Original pastel painting Image size: 12" x 36" Please contact me if you're interested. Shipping charges may apply. Sales tax is not applicable.
  • A peaceful spot in the Flathead Valley where the cattails were a golden ribbon surrounded by the verdant trees and grasslands. Painted on location with finishing touches in the studio.

    Original pastel
    Image size: 9" x 12"

  • There is nothing so endearing than a newborn with its mother. I came across this sweet duo and stopped to take photos. The foal was very curious but wouldn’t venture far from the mother’s side. Original pastel painting Image size: 12” x 16" Framed size: 15" x 19" This painting is showing at FoR Fine Art Gallery in Whitefish, Montana. "Explorations" is the title of my solo show as featured artist in June 2024. If you're interested, please contact the Gallery (406-730-8855) for details or I'm happy to assist.
  • Flathead Valley is famous for their cherries. The lake creates a micro climate that is conducive to growing cherries and when it rains, the rain is of the light, misty sort which doesn’t damage the cherries as they are maturing on the limb. We wait impatiently for the cherries to become ripe for eating. All the extra are frozen to add to smoothies during the winter months. Original pastel Image size: 8” x 6" Framed size: 15" x 13" This painting is showing at FoR Fine Art Gallery in Bigfork, Montana. Price includes shipping. If the painting is purchased here on my site, FoR Fine Art will pack and ship it to you. There are no additional costs and no sales tax.
  • Flathead cherries are a sweet summer treat for locals and tourists alike. Original pastel Image size: 8” x 6" Framed size: 15.5" x 13.5" This painting is showing at FoR Fine Art Gallery in Bigfork, Montana. Price includes shipping. If the painting is purchased here on my site, FoR Fine Art will pack and ship it to you. There are no additional costs and no sales tax.
  • Cherries are one of the many delights of Flathead Valley. The unique microclimate around Flathead Lake allows these beauties to flourish. They are such a treat during the summer. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 8" x 6" Framed size: 15" x 13" This painting is showing at FoR Fine Art Gallery in Bigfork, Montana. Please contact the gallery (406-420-2453) to purchase or let me know if I can be of help or provide more information.
  • Sunsets over Flathead Lake never disappoint. This view shows Big Arm on the west shore. Original pastel Image size: 12” x 24" Framed size: 16.5" x 28.5" This painting is showing at FoR Fine Art Gallery in Bigfork, Montana. If you're interested, please contact the Gallery (406-420-2453) for details or I'm happy to assist.
  • One of the many romantic old barns dotting the Flathead Valley farmland. This one stands at the north end of Flathead Lake and one sees it as they drive from Somers to Bigfork. As old barns are being torn down, I’m interested in painting them as a record of old Montana. Original pastel Image size: 6” x 8"
  • From Bigfork, one can walk along the Swan River on the nature trail and enjoy its rushing and tumbling beauty. This view is in the fall when the river is running low and the trees are starting to turn color. The rocks protrude out of the peaceful current as the water dances around them.

    Original pastel
    Image size: 18" x 24"

  • This painting was inspired from a hike into Sabino Canyon. The water was flowing well and the sky above was perfectly reflected in the pool of water. In such a dry environment, water can be a startling and welcome discovery. Original pastel Image size: 16” x 20" Framed size: 23" x 27"
  • We spent the day painting fall color at a friend's 30 acres north of Bigfork. It was afternoon when we finished up there and I wanted to check out a place that I'd heard about. I drove south on the Swan River corridor and found the spot. However the sun was already over the mountains and everything was in the shade, I took a few photos and headed home. On my way back, I decided to explore a wildlife refuge area that I saw when I passed it. The light was golden, spilling over the mountains and creating patterns of light and shadow filtering through the trees.

    Original pastel
    Image size: 12" x 16"

  • This painting was started onsite in early September 2021. The smoke from the distant wildfires turned the sky an ethereal orange in the evening light. This view was looking west from the East Glacier area. Original pastel Image size: 8" x 10" Please contact me if you're interested. Available framed for $495.00 or unframed for $350.00. Shipping charges may apply. Sales tax is not applicable.
  • This pastel was painted on site during a beautiful evening down at Finley Point on Flathead Lake. This spectacular range of mountains begin in Bigfork and run the length of the lake and far down the Mission Valley. There is even a glacier on one of the peaks. A quote by John Muir comes to mind when I look at this painting, "The mountains are calling and I must go!"

    Original pastel
    Image size: 6" x 12"

  • Sometimes it stretches the imagination to think that every sunset is unique. It’s just variations on color and cloud formations. The bonus being that it’s a surprise every evening as to what will be painted across the sky. Original pastel Image size: 12" x 9"  
  • Flathead Lake in northwest Montana is a hub of recreation and boating in the summer time. I often drive home from Kalispell to Bigfork in the evening and the views rarely disappoint. The delicate shades of the sunset are a counterpoint to the glowing light of the landscape below.

    Original pastel
    Image size: 9" x 12"

  • A beautiful fall day in Glacier National Park just before the first snow. McDonald Creek is a popular destination for visitors with its tranquil meandering and impressive falls. Definitely an inspiring location to paint. The water was low enough that I could set up my easel on a gravel bar and paint as if I were standing in the creek.

    Original pastel Image size: 9" x 12"

    This piece is sold UNFRAMED. Free shipping to locations in the continental U.S.

  • This row of silos at the junction of Hwys 93 and 82 is a familiar view for most. I have always been intrigued to paint them but wasn’t sure the best way to capture them. I felt that highlighting the repetition of the shapes and reflections was best done by simplifying the scene to its essential warm and cool tones. Original pastel painting Image size: 15” x 12" Framed size: 18" x 15" This painting is showing at FoR Fine Art Gallery in Whitefish, Montana. "Explorations" is the title of my solo show as featured artist in June 2024. If you're interested, please contact the Gallery (406-730-8855) for details or I'm happy to assist.
  • Autumn colors are loud, boisterous, and gaudy and we are dazzled by their kaleidoscope of intensity. Water influences the glorious colors of the season with its own shimmering dance. This scene was inspired by reflections on the east shore of Flathead Lake. Original pastel painting Image size: 7" x 14" Please contact me if you're interested. Available framed for $595.00 or unframed for $450.00. Shipping charges may apply. Sales tax is not applicable.
  • The sunsets over Flathead Lake are often stunning and always unique. I like to call it "sky drama" because it looks like the heavens are putting on a spectacular show just for us.

    Original pastel
    Image size: 12" x 16"

  • The sunset on this particular evening was amazing with the variety of colors illuminating the sky and reflecting off of Flathead Lake. The sunsets are unique from day to day and always bring joy to one's heart. Original pastel
 on archival board Image size: 12" x 9" Framed size: 16.25" x 13.25" This painting is showing at FoR Fine Art Gallery in Bigfork, Montana. Please contact the gallery (406-420-2453) to purchase or let me know if I can be of help or provide more information.
  • This little piglet was as cute as any animal I’ve seen before. White and pink all over, she was a charmer. I couldn’t wait to capture those glowing orange ears. Original pastel painting Image size: 8” x 8" Framed size: 11” x 11" This painting was showing at FoR Fine Art Gallery in Whitefish, Montana. "Explorations" is the title of my solo show as featured artist in June 2024.
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